Saturday, April 14, 2007

so He says...

the words and examples are taken from Dr. Scott Hahn, from his interview with Mike Acquilina on "Swear to God," named after Dr Hahn's book. i'm taking them and running!

so not only can God not lie b/c of His supreme uprightness, but He cannot lie due to His Infinite Power. if God were to say "John is a dog," then i would have to-- every cell in my body and every fiber of my being, in the full reality of the physical and spiritual-- would have to become that of a dog because all things in all existence must bow in submission to Him. if He states something as such, it is such.

"My Flesh is Real Food and My Blood is Real Drink." (Jn6.55) there's no ambiguity here. Jesus doesnt go on to explain Himself as anything but what He matter-of-factly states like He does everywhere else in the New Testament when He's misunderstood. Just as He is the Temple that housed the Spirit and Presence of God on earth that was destroyed and raised up in 3 days as He states (cryptically, but not symbolic- or figuratively), so too is His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity mysteriously present in His gift to us, the Eucharist. All of nature, both seen and unseen, must bow down to not only the Words of God, but to the Word of God, no matter how "hard to accept" (v60-66) it may be.

i'd rather risk taking Him seriously and being wrong than short-changing the very Words that came from His mouth.

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