Saturday, April 14, 2007

here's the thing...

...tell me what u think!

yes. you read that right. it's not too hard.

i remember when i had myspace and no one would ever really respond to my blog! i want feedback! what do u think my email is for? why else do i write my thoughts to the world? and how else am i supposed to think about what i think about if no one gives input on what i think about?! think about it!

and for those of u who do... thanks!

(and i know, chris, that you are the first one to even read my blogspot, let alone respond to it, so dont think that that is in response to u leaving a comment. this is for future blog-readers who just dont get it!)

1 comment:

Beth said...

Yikes! I guess I'd better comment. So you're back at a computer, eh? I'm thinking that you are even online RIGHT NOW!

I think you should take the Which Church Father Are You Quiz that [url=""]Jamie in Winnipeg[/url] wrote about in his blog (you should follow his blog). I'm curious.