Wednesday, October 24, 2007


this just struck me...

back in the day, baptism was only for Gentile, pagan converts into Judaism and THAT is why (at least in part) Jesus had to be baptized to fulfill all things. He came to abolish the division between Jews (God's people) and Gentiles (those outside of real relationship with God). In fulfilling all of the Law, He had to cover the bases for those who needed to enter into the Law in the first place.

just one more layer of understanding. Jesus rocks.


Mary said...


I need your email address to invite you to my blog....I had to lock it up and want to "Add" you-

BTW-how are things? Are you taking good care of my friend?

Unknown said...

you know, "baptism" covered a multitude of activities within the context of Judaism. it demonstrated many different things: i.e. the beginning of a ministry (priesthood), getting married, cleansing from illness, and/or compliance with God's commandments. from a certain perspective, Jesus participated in all of these when He was baptized by John in the Jordan.

Love ya,

Chris Whitler said...

Fun party last night. Get me my calendar. Let's play chess!

jenish said...

Hey Baike!! How are things on the other side of the world? Here everything is fine. It's just kinda busy lately. How is the support raising going?

jenish said...

You need to start blogging again mate. Jengish Baike:)

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