Tuesday, October 2, 2007

oh, glorious day!

yeah. i'm engaged. deal with it. just kidding.

so rhiannon and i are officially french, and by that, i mean we are fiancesesz. we're engaged. yeah yeah.

there we go.


Mary said...


That is so awesome---I am so happy for you guys..you do rock!

Much lovin!

lauren said...

congratulations to you two crazy kids both on the engagement and for capturing rhiannon smiling in a photo!!! love to you both.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your engagement!! I think it's awesome. +May our God and Father in Jesus Christ our Lord through the power and working of the Holy Spirit bless you and keep you always.+

jenish said...

dude, congrats!!! Man, that's soo awesome. So when is the wedding? The wedding!!! You guys should have your honey moon here in Kyrgyzstan. You've never been to the Issyl Kul Lake, right? You would love it there. It's a really really gorgeous place. Congratulations again. Kudai batasin bersin, dosum:)

Gilad & Dawna said...

Friggen crazy! So crazy! You're like... engaged! Crazy how I was there in February... and nobody was engaged... now we're all engaged haha... CONGRATS!